Pristine landscaping done in a fenced in back yard on a beautiful, sunny day!Pristine landscaping done in a fenced in back yard on a beautiful, sunny day!

Landscaping Services

Fresh flowers to delight the senses. Clean mulch or pine straw or hey even well place stone work. Oh yeah, NO WEEDS!! These are just a few of the things we thing about when we talk about landscaping. It doesn’t take much to make your yard pop! Whether it’s just a small refresher or this is your dream landscaping plan, we’ve got you covered at Mt. Juliet Lawn Care Pros!

Do you ever get overwhelmed though with the options? If you’re the person that has the master plan, that is great! For the rest of us though, we need direction. Our experienced professionals understand the specific needs of Tennessee and have no problem taking into account what you want and put a master plan together that will make you ask yourself: “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” No job is too big/small. Trees, plants, shrubs, flowers, stone…you name it we can do it!

We offer a variety of planning options so that we can get you exactly what you’re looking to accomplish. We provide what matters to you and you’re landscaping. We offer flexible scheduling and competitive pricing to make sure you get the best value for your landscaping needs.

At Mt. Juliet Lawn Care Pros, we believe landscaping is the finishing touch to your lawn! Our commitment to quality and exceptional customer care means that whatever your circumstances are, you can relax and enjoy just what exceptional landscaping will do for your lawn. Choose Mt. Juliet Lawn Care Pros for landscaping that matters to you!